Day off from School or Work - Find Entertainment at the Library
Friday was a school teacher in-service day in Duxbury and many families stocked up on books, movies, and games.
Here are some of the popular items families took home.
Passes to the Museum of Science, New England Aquarium, USS Constitution
Passes to the Museum of Science, New England Aquarium, USS Constitution
Halloween Themed Books |
WII games - Did you know there are over 1900 video games including WII, WII U, Playstation, Nintendo 3DS, and XBOX available through the OCLN network with many of them in our Duxbury Collection?
Next time you have a day off or long weekend, check out these entertainment options:
Puzzles for all ages. Favorites include: Arthur's Floor Puzzle, Harry Potter Themed, Wasgij Mystery Brainteaser puzzles
Kid's robotics kits: Bee-Bot, Cosmo, and Dash
Get creative with Go-Pro or Polaroid Cube cameras, 3d visa
reality kit, many art kits, or musical instruments.
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